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Mancelona Vs Harbor Springs Game

The Mancelona Ironmen win against the Harbor Springs Rams on sept 15 12-0 (Home)


Mancelona Defence came out, set the tone, and executed. Mancelona offense fought through fatigue and put points on the board. 


Mancelona is now 2-2 for the season, doubling their wins since last season. 


When asked about the major in-season improvements, Principal and special teams head coach Trent Naumcheff, said “It’s Great To See Our Student Athletes Representing Our School In a Positive Way”. 


Tavin Morgan led the game in tackles. (24)


Denver Alexander and Jayden Grutsch forced 4 turnovers in the red zones for big stops to give the ball back to the offense.


Can they go further? We’ll just have to wait and see.  “Heroes Are Remembered, But Legends Never Die”-Defensive Head Coach Taylor Borst

Mancelona Vs East Jordan Game

Mancelona Ironmen Football lose to East Jordan Red Devils (54-20) on East Jordans Homecoming Night.


On Sept. 29 Friday night, the Red Devils came out with the win against the Mancelona Ironmen. East Jordan is now 5-1 while Mancelona is 2-4


Ryan Naumcheff, Jackson Bennett, and Aiden Dixon Scored 18 points, Tavin Morgan scored a 2 point conversion.


Mancelona had 3 good quarters, but East Jordan went on a streak during the second quarter, and the Ironmen couldn't get back.


East Jordan has been waiting for this game all season, planning for a win. They won and were happy about it


Mancelona Vs Johannesburg-Lewiston (Homecoming Game)

Mancelona Football (coached by head coach Dan Derrer) Won Their Homecoming Game Against Johannesburg 30-12.


Mancelona shattered their 3 game losing streak in the win against Joburg. Ryan Naumcheff, the Mancelona quarterback, scored first rushing 5 yards. He then ran for the 2 point conversion bringing the lead to 8-0. Joburg scored shortly after but didn't complete the 2 points. 


The Ironmen are now up 6-8 after one quarter of play. Ryan Naumcheff scores again in the second quarter. Tavin Morgan runs for 31 yards and catches the 2 point conversion. The Ironmen bring the lead to 22-6. As a last second chance Joburg throws a hail mary which was converted in the last seconds of the second quarter. The game was 22-12 as both teams are escorted into the lockers for halftime


Mancelona Scored one last time in the second half bringing the lead to 30-12. The Ironmen gave effort and worked harmoniously as a team during the whole game, this is what led to their victory.


Team Captain and honorable mention all conference offensive lineman Aaron Brown stated after the game, “ I'm going to miss it, the late nights, the brotherhood, If I could do it all over again, I would.” We are wishing our seniors the best of luck as they consider what the future in sports and college bring them. 

Mancelona Vs Glen Lake (Senior Night) Game

The Mancelona Ironmen celebrated and played their Senior Night game at home until a heart-crushing loss to Glen Lake Friday Oct 20


 The Lakers (Glen Lake) pulled out the win against Mancelona 43-28 and moved onto playoffs where they will face Iron Mountain. Mancelona, before the game, announced their senior players and what their plans for the future were. Mancelona broke free on some runs and had good catches, but Glen Lake overpowered the young Mancelona team. 


The Ironmen ended the season with a 3-6 record in which Defensive coach Taylor Borst says, “3-6 is not good enough”. This record is 2 wins more than the previous year. After all they have been through this season Mancelona did not have the storybook happy ending which they had  always hoped for. Their season is done, and we’ll just have to wait for next year. 

Head coach Dan Derrer states, “We have been saying for a while “we are a young team, we are a young team!” but we aren't anymore, not after this season, so the sophomores and juniors are going to have to step up and lead. 

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